Navigating Non-Profit Frustrations|
Identify the Source and Adjust the Outcome!
Pinpoint What You Want to Change!
No doubt, you have accomplished a great deal. Maybe your client flow has been seamless, your cash flow consistent, and your website is finally up and running. You’ve got some things in place, and you can breathe…for now.
Yet, no matter how smooth things have been, as time persists something, if not already done so, will pop-up, require adjustment or just plain get on your last nerve. In fact, whatever it is needs to be assessed early in its development, to determine whether immediate action needs to be taken, and if so, how AND what.
As a program director, coordinator or whatever the title, you have the ability to navigate and help create a solution, not simply add to the chaos. Think about it, solution oriented people, are not always quick fixers. They recognize that the source or foundation of a problem must be identified in order to effectively implement a solution.
Solution oriented people, don’t always hold title or command major paychecks. They are able to identify assets and resources, weed through liability and bring resolve.
This email-based solutions tool, will help you to identify what needs to be adjusted in order to gain optimal outcomes. Whether your trying to increase funding or adjust to accommodate for a programming deficit, identifying your sources, resources and actions plans are a critical element to overcoming organizational frustrations.
Face it, you likely have a myriad of goals and competing interests demanding your attention. Sometimes, stepping back and looking from a new perspective, can help with finding viable solutions.
That's why, on occasion, you need to step back and look at the big picture. To take a moment to reflect, clarify where you're at, and figure out where to focus your time and energy.
Navigating Non-Profit Frustrations is a tool for you to do just that. With active worksheets and feedback, you will be better equipped to steer your organization toward positive outcomes. v With so many tasks and goals competing for your attention, it's easy to lose sight of what's actually important.
Sabrina Hagan-Finks, MBA, PMP
From as far back as I can remember, I always enjoyed writing, math and telling a story. It took me a long time to find niche employment that allowed me to do all three.
But when I became an analyst, not only was I able to mesh the interests, but able to incorporate my passion for people and the ability to create in efforts to offer people hope and perhaps a better future.
From grant writing and program development through accounting and budgeting, the tools and skills I gained fit a variety of needs and were able to serve organizations far beyond those with which I had direct responsibility.
Even as I built my own non-profit, I recognized that a great deal of my success was because of access to knowledge, relationships and tools that most other smaller organizations didn’t have. As I tried to share the knowledge, the time constraints became limiting.
There had to be a better way to offer capacity building services to other organizations, without over extending myself, or overextending their already volatile organizational budgets. Thus, Non-Profit Development & Sustainability course was established.
I believe that this comprehensive course, built on nearly 20 years of experience, will help you take your organization to the next level.
Looking forward to working with you.
We suggest taking 20-30 minutes per assignment to reflect on what you really would like to see accomplished. Although your time could vary, there is no rush, and you want to give yourself time to come up with realistic and viable plans.
Of Course! Remember, this is available to you at any time. In fact, as you come up with varied challenges it is likely you will come back to the worksheet to work through new ideas. Do yourself a favor and sign up now so you have access easily no matter the day or time.
Absolutely! Overcoming challenges is enough work. There's no cost for this self-help tool.
Fighting Non-Profit Frustration is designed for Founders, Executives, Volunteers, Advocates who are working with or for non-profit organizations that are service oriented. Rather than simply fighting fires and addressing symptoms, we get to the foundation of the problems, and help you find reasonable solutions to keeping the long-term capacity of your FUNCTIONAL organization intact.
Send us an email or [email protected] and maybe we can set a FREE brainstorming consultation.