Funding Success Disclaimer

No Guarantees

You understand and accept that The JOLEABIS Center for Health & Economic Equity, LLC has not made any guarantees about the results of taking any action, whether recommended on this Website or not. The JOLEABIS Center for Health & Economic Equity, LLC provides educational and informational resources that are intended to help users of the website / courses with their own business organizations. You recognize that results from your use of the information provided by The JOLEABIS Center for Health & Economic Equity, LLC will be based on your own individual and organizational efforts, your particular situation, and many other circumstances beyond the control and/or knowledge of The JOLEABIS Center for Health & Economic Equity, LLC.

You also comprehend that prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. Thus, the results obtained by others whether clients or customers of the Company or otherwise applying the principles set out in this course are no guarantee that you or any other person or entity will be able to obtain similar results.

Funding Success Disclaimer

From time to time, The JOLEABIS Center for Health & Economic Equity, LLC may report on the success of one of its existing or prior clients/customers. You understand that the prior success of others does not guarantee your organization's accomplishment.

As with any business, your results may vary and will be based on your organizational capacity, experience, expertise, and various other outside factors. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. There is no guarantee that applications created using the strategies in this course will be funded at all and you accept the risk that the funding and income statements differ by individual applicant organization.

The use of The JOLEABIS Center for Health & Economic Equity, LLC’s information, products and services should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that the Company is not liable for any success or failure of your business that is directly or indirectly related to the purchase and use of our information, products, and services reviewed or advertised on this Website.